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Frequently Asked Questions

An initial front end engagement to support strategy execution goes from 4000€ where I’ll demonstrate immediate value-add and leave you fully equipped to progress everything we develop together.

Comprehensive support to work alongside leadership and delivery teams to implement strategy execution over a 90 day period goes from 25000€

I offer coaching in blocks of 6-10 sessions from 2400€

I’ve worked at every level in organisations from junior sales engineer to CEO, in different sized organisations, over 30 years, all in a growth environment. 

I held leadership roles in the introduction of broadband to UK consumers and businesses, led a key workstream for the introduction of iPhone to the UK market, second only to the US

I’ve held C-suite roles in newly established businesses within corporations, established and successfully led new entities, secured investment into businesses, achieved Series A funding and spun out businesses, and been a co-founder of a start up.

Academically , I hold a DBA with a thesis in organisational psychology and sociology focused on workplace bullying, an MBA with Distinction, and an MSc in Management Research.

Vocationally, I am a qualified executive coach with 10 years experience, a certified Hogan Assessor, and NLP practitioner.

I work with a wide range of private and public sector businesses, typically up to around 2500 employees in the business unit or division I’m engaged with.  They tend to be in a growth or change cycle, have a strategy defined by their leadership team, and have a sense of urgency to improve their effectiveness to execute and deliver their objectives.

My first and foremost priority is to understand you and your business, the challenge you’d like to address, and then how I may be able to help.  Until we know that, there is no package because every business, its leaders, and teams are unique.

I believe in walking the talk and so feel very comfortable breaking the work into discrete phases where each one stands on its own, delivering its own benefits, so my value is clear at all times.

Combining each phase into a single work package can work well delivering an end to end result placing greater accountability on me to navigate the process and facilitate your journey, leaving your people to focus entirely on execution and evolving their ways of working.

I offer periodic review sessions if required. I never entertained retainer contracts when I was a CEO/COO and would never suggest them now. 

For coaching I offer a minimum of 6 sessions, usually fortnightly or monthly.  Each session tends to be 60-90 minutes and depending on the person being coached I follow up with written notes, maybe some reading or sources of information that may be useful.

I know that feeling having been on the other side of the fence!  I intentionally structure engagements so that the client can create the scope, time, and fee boundary to suit their budget and any other factors that influence external inputs. 

My commitment is always to focus on what I’ve been asked to do and I will always flag any observations that strike me as relevant to the context of the work we are doing together and may be outside the scope of our agreement.  It is entirely your choice as to how you wish to use those observations and they never become subsumed into my work without your explicit consent.

I enjoy this work so I will do all I can to help – I do my best to pay it forward and at the same time, earn a living.  I get that budgets are all too often way over subscribed and competition for resources can be fierce.  That’s why I structure the scope of my work into packages that are very cost effective, stand alone adding value in their own right, and can be deployed quickly and effectively.  I can help by working with you  to identify the single most important thing to focus on, nail that with you, and then you can either crack on yourself or if the value has been adequately demonstrated, re-engage with me at some point in the future. 

Understanding what influences the way people work, how they perceive themselves, what they value, and often most importantly what reputation they create are important and helpful in developing team capability, trust, and communication styles, which are fundamental to enhancing performance between humans.

Hogan is a leading personality assessment tool, statistically reliable and valid.  Uniquely, it measures reputation, i.e. how others perceive us. It also answers three big questions – what do people want, how will they get what they want, and what will get in their way.  Hogan is a world class tool for talent development and talent acquisition, is completed by over 1m people per year in over 100 countries and 47 languages spanning 30 years of data, which is annually revalidated.  

Neuro linguistic programming is the study of the structure of subjective experience – what we all often subconsciously think, say, do, and act out every day without hesitation and as learned behaviours and responses.  Our thoughts and actions are a direct representation of who we are.  Understanding this in the context of the workplace is important so that we very consciously examine how we choose to interpret a situation individually and collectively to establish if and how we are unintentionally sabotaging ourselves. 

That depends.  Where the number of people or complexity of scope, or time constraints demand, I will work with a trusted group of associates with whom I have collaborated before, have long-standing relationships as client as well as partner. 

Both.  I am a firm believer that teams work better face to face when the subject matter is beyond transactional communication.  However, our recent adaptation to video meetings from every corner of the world means most of us are fluent with this medium which can usually work.  121 meetings, e.g. for coaching or mentoring can usually work equally well (broadly speaking), whether virtual or face to face.

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