Unleashing Your Leadership Potential with Hogan Assessments


Navigating the complex world of leadership can be challenging, but understanding your personality, inherent leadership style, and behaviour patterns is a transformative step in the journey. That's where I come in, offering a unique, bespoke approach to Hogan Assessments.

Hogan Assessments are renowned tools with over three decades of validation and reliability in the realm of organisational psychology. Hogan is different because it provides you with a prediction of your reputation when at your best and when under pressure.  Yet, the real value is not just in the tool itself, but how the results are interpreted, understood, and applied.

I provide much more than just an assessment. You’ll have a tailored experience built around your unique situation. My 30+ years practical leadership experience, combined with a deep academic understanding of organisational psychology and sociology, help me to analyse your Hogan results in a way that is uniquely valuable.

In your comprehensive Hogan package, you’ll receive the full Hogan assessment, a 90-minute debrief session, and a detailed written follow-up that supplements the system generated reports. But the support doesn’t stop there. Three months later, we reconvene to review any actions taken and continue your development journey.

So, what can you expect from this process?

Past clients have found clarity about their leadership abilities and reputation in the workplace, uncovering how their personality can shape their responses to stress and pressure. Armed with these insights, they’ve reported better relationships with colleagues, a deeper understanding of their development needs, and a newfound comfort in their leadership identity.

This isn’t just about data and reports. It’s about making a real difference in your leadership journey. My approach is informal and approachable, combining credibility and subject matter authority with compassion and care. Your leadership development is not just a professional endeavour, but a personal one too, and I’m here to guide you through it.

In essence, this package isn’t merely an assessment—it’s a valuable, stand-alone experience that can have a transformative effect on your leadership ability. 

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